Outdoor Wood Stoves can burn just about anything. They still build up Creosote, but are easily cleaned. We recommend partially seasoned Pine, Poplar, Sweet Gum, or Maple. Seasoned Campfire Wood makes getting a fire started much easier; usually without using any lighter fluid or other harmful chemicals. Our Premium Campfire Wood is split and seasoned for up to 9 months.

Firewood that is fully dried yields the most heat, and is the safest to burn. Firewood should be seasoned to complete dryness under a shelter for at least one full year. The trees cut for firewood this summer will be ready to burn this winter only if fully dried. Dry wood burns efficiently, has fewer insect problems, and will minimize creosote accumulation in your chimney.

Ants, termites, other insects and mice can be a problem if firewood is stored too close to the house, or if infested wood is brought inside. To keep ants, termites, other insects and mice way, firewood should be stored outdoors away from the house and under a shelter or tarp. Keep firewood dry, off the ground, and stacked so air can circulate through the ranks. Avoid storing firewood in the forest where wood-eating insects can infest the logs.

Firewood pricing varies depending on the season. We deliver within 10 miles of our log yard for $25 and we’ll even stack the wood for $25 more.

Andrew’s Tree Pros also sells Seasoned and Fresh Mixed Wood Chips. Free Delivery withing 10 miles of our log yard is provided with a minimum purchase of 10 cubic yards. Pricing varies depending on season.

For more information and or pricing on our wood products please contact us today.