Oak BBQ Cooking Wood

Oak Cooking Wood gives meat a medium smoky flavor with no aftertaste; more than apple and cherry, but less than hickory. It’s great with almost all meats: beef, poultry, pork, even fish.

Oak is great on its own and for adding more smoke flavor when cooking with Apple, Cherry, and Maple. It is also often mixed with Hickory to reduce smoke flavor.

White Oak is the most popular cooking wood and is fairly common in North Carolina.

We also recommend:


  • 6-8″ chunks
  • 14-16″ long pieces
  • Custom sizes available

Identifying Oak Trees

  • White Oak bark is ashy gray, very scaly, and platelike turning from smooth to ridged as the tree matures..
  • Red Oak leaves turn red during the fall. White Oak leaves have scarlet or purple tips.
  • Acorns of a Red Oak are 1″ and have an oblong shape. White Oak acorns are about 3/4″ long.